Nativity School is committed to academic excellence. We believe that children have a unique set of gifts and talents which they bring to their classroom environment.
Parents and teachers work together to provide our students with an academically challenging learning experience. We encourage our students to work together and support one another in the learning process as well as to learn to work up to their potential through both cooperative and independent learning experiences.
We do our best to create a balanced, faith-centered, learning environment with a curriculum which encourages our students to become independent learners. By setting high expectations for all of our students while providing the necessary academic support to those in need, we are setting each child up for success as they learn and accept one’s own strengths and weaknesses.
We help our children to live and practice their Catholic Faith through the reception of the Sacraments, prayer, and service. Service projects include food collections, writing to the elderly, making art for nursing homes, and projects at the school, in the parish, and the broader community.
We work with our students to achieve mastery of basic skills and stretch to develop higher level thinking skills through participating in critical thinking and problem solving activities and applying the content learned through activities and projects.